McMenamins Historic Edgefield Amphitheater

McMenamins Historic Edgefield Amphitheater

The McMenamins Historic Edgefield Amphitheater has 0 upcoming events scheduled in 2020-2021

2126 Southwest Halsey St., Troutdale

97060 OR, US

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Ticket prices

The listed events average ticket prices are $52.
Compared to the tickets for the 0 upcoming events the cheapest ticket price is $2, check the available discounts.


Scheduled events and concerts at McMenamins Historic Edgefield Amphitheater in 2020-2021

Find all the best upcoming concerts, events in the McMenamins Historic Edgefield Amphitheater event calendar, check their seating capacity and seating view.

Currently, the McMenamins Historic Edgefield Amphitheater has planned 0 upcoming events in 2020-2021, the next show is ... concert, the last time ... was here 2 weeks ago.

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